Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Stop Wishing ...and Start Doing...

Theres a story that goes while the Devil searched for a way to confuse and confound Man...He decided that he would Hide the Truth of Himself so that Man could not reach His full potential, so the Dexil meet with His Council to confer and decide where to hide this Knowlegde...One evil council suggested deep in the Earth, but the the Devil replied No lest man dig into the Earths depths and find the Knowlegde of Himself. So Another evil council suggested to bury it deep in the Oceans Depths, but the Devil replied no, lest he travels to the Oceans depths and find Himself. So another of the devils council suggested to place it High in the Heavens, but again the Devil replied no, lest He builds a way to climb to the Heavens and reach His True Self. Finally the Devil came to the perfect conclusion, he would place the Knowledge of Himself right in front of Man but disguise it in a form He would never think to look Lets place this Knowlede in Books He stated, ignorance will never look to find it there!!
The point of this story is that information is this age of Technological advancement and Information, whatever it is that you wish to accomplish is right at your finger tips, all you need is the drive and the passion to seek it out. Wherever you are right now in your Life is a result of what you have put into , and asked out of Life. we need to take ownership of are Lives and not let ignorance be the excuse that leaves use unsatisfied, disscont, and unhappy. The truth of yourself is in our ability to chose of own fate. Chose to use your Will to create your Destiny!!
here is a link to every government grant and loan available..take advantage of this resource

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